Thursday, September 22, 2022

 Welcome to the Website of Health Flows this fall!

As we leave the fall equinox behind and move fast towards Michealmas and Thanksgiving, I would like to let you know that individual treatments are being booked more regularly and I advise to reach out a week or two beforehand in order not to be disappointed. Sometimes treatments on short notice may still be possible, though...

Regarding the classes Health Flows is offering, I would like to apologize for a typo in the flyer for Easy Hands-On Self Care and to also let you know that prorated fees will be applied to the flat rate until Thanksgiving to accommodate late joiners. The flyer should have read $90.00 flat rate (for all 9 weeks) and the flat rate starting September 27 or 29 will be $80.00, starting Oct. 4 or 6 it will be only $ 70.00 and satrting October  18 or later it will be and stay $60.00

Please, also note that the week after Thanksgiving two back to back classes will be offered on Mondays between 9 and 11am: Playful Qigong - gentle moving meditation, followed by Ho'oponopono and Sound Healing (more details on the classes tab).

Hoping to see you either in one of the classes or in the practice soon.

With light and warmth,
