
Treatment Rates

Treatment fees for 2025 are kept as low as possible to enable holistic treatments for everyone. The financially more fortunate are very welcome to ad a gratuity to their payments :) Half of any gratuity received will be put in the Pay-It-Forward-Box to which will be used for a charitable cause (in the past each student at Karis Care Society received a book for with instructions for holistic self care thanks to the generosity of others).


Single treatments (to be paid on day of treatment):     $110.00

Two  treatments within one month (paid up front):    $200.00

Five treatments (valid for one year, transferable):     $450.00

Treatment length:

Please allow an average of 1.25h for a treatment
Please allow an average of 1.5h - 1.75h for an intake session

Planning restful activities afterwards will enhance the benefits of the session.

House/hospital visits possible. P
lease inquire.

NEW OFFERING FOR SENIORS in the comfort of their own homes!
(4x or 2x/month)
1.5 hours:     $ 400.00 (4x/month)     $220.00 (2x/month)     $120.00 (single)
2 hours:       $ 480.00 (4x/month)    $ 260.00 (2x/month)    $ 140.00 (single)

Thanks to the generosity of others, our PAY-IT-FORWARD-BOX does have some funds for the financially less fortunate. Please inquire if you need financial assistance.

Payment Methods


Cheque (payable to "Jolanda Himmelstein")
E-transfer to info@healthflows.ca (NOT to my phone, please!)

Please note: 50% of any donations or gratuities will be put into the pay-it-forward box, which will be enabling treatments or classes for someone who is financially less fortunate. Thank you!

Coverage by Health Insurance

Foot Reflexology:

Experience has shown that most health plans mostly do not cover foot reflexology treatments as of yet.
However, we would like to bring to your attention that reflexology treatments can be filed as health expenses when submitting your income tax papers!

Jin Shin Jyutsu:
While Jin Shin Jyutsu is gaining more and more public acceptance in the US, with nurses in large hospitals on the East Coast being trained in Jin Shin Jyutsu, the recognition of this healing modality is less developed in Canada and therefore will likely not be covered by your insurance. Please check with your provider in advance of booking if you have extended coverage.

Sound Therapy:
Even though Health Flows is certified with the Sound Healing Academy in England as well as level 1 in Acutonics on North America, this service will likely not be covered by your insurance. Please check with your provider in advance of booking if you have extended coverage.