Dear Fellow-Humans,
during this time of physical distancing due to the COVID-19 circumstances, we are given the opportunity to re-asses our lives and focus on the core aspects that are truly important for each one of us. Interestingly enough, even though we are asked to stay away from each other, this turns out to be a time when people reach out to each other more than ever before. Neighbours offer to buy groceries, people help each other out with toilet paper, Starbucks gives free drinks to front line workers in order to support them and whole cities pause in their daily activities to give a daily noisy 'thank you!' to all that are putting their lives at risk by still working...
But not just our physical wellbeing is being supported in these interesting times. Numerous free webinars are being offered to support our mental and emotional wellbeing, the pillars that our immune system and thus our resilience rest upon. I would like to invite you to a daily (except Saturdays) free webinar that is being offered daily for about 25 minutes during the month of April by the Jin Shin Jyutsu Faculty. This daily event, which is open to anybody, no previous experience needed, has been attended by 1000 to 1400 participants from all over the world during the last few days! It is being offered under the befitting title: WE ARE ONE
Eastern Time (US and Canada): 2pm
Pacific time (US and Canada) : 11am
GMT: 7pm
Please calculate your time according to your time zone
Webinar room:
Just in case there is a problem, you can always look it up on the home page of
On a more personal note, I would like to let you know that even though Health Flows is closed to in-person treatments, there are two ways by which we offer continued support for your health and wellbeing during these times of physical distancing:
a) You are welcome to text or call us with a question regarding your health or how to support your immune system. We will then offer suggested self help holds that you can apply to support you with regards to your query. This is a form of support that is currently offered free of charge at Health Flows. Cell: 250 718 5565
b) There is the possibility to schedule distance treatments of Jin Shin Jyutsu. These are very similar to an in-person treatments with the difference of you resting at home while receiving the treatment while I will be giving the treatment in my practice, as usual. We will communicate before the treatment begins and we will exchange feedback after the session is over. This option is offered at the regular rates (see fees tab). Please note that our pay-it-forward-box has currently $115, which can be used to help clients in need of financial support.
With best wishes for inner calm, lots of ease in your healing and a life filled with smiles!
Yours truly,
Jolanda :)